Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One food related interesting fact about Ireland

In some Ireland resteraunts, they serve pigs head and tails.

Food habitats pertaining to religious practices/traditional holiday dishes

On christmas you will find baked ham, roast turkey/roast beef, and a christmas Goose, Spiced Beef. On Regular Holidays you'll find chocolate pots with crunchy Irish oatmeal and also an add of lamb roasted in the oven with rosemary and garlic.

food eaten in America that originated in Ireland

Here are some food that originated in Ireland that some Americans eat in America. Potato Soup, bacon and Cabbage, Irish Lamb Stew, Corned Beef and Cabbage, Sheperds Pie, Irish Soda bread.

Example of some typical meal eatin in Ireland

Irish people eat all different types of soups, Cuisine, seafood, stew, and meats. The most common meat are beef, lamb, and pork.

Meal schedules in Ireland

In Ireland the meal schedule is depending on the weather and the day light hours. In work places or when people are working, people have only a short break for their lunch so it must be light meals. Like something for them to eat quickly. During the dinner time the food are always the heaviest meal of the day.  

Flavor Principles used in Ireland

The flavor principle people used in Ireland are Poatatoes, grains, oats, and dairy products.

Common cooking method used in Ireland

The Cuisine of Irelands blends two type of cooking styles. One is traditional, which is used for preparation of simple foods. And a more recent style that is used mainly in resteraunts.